Avcon Outboard Hard Points
Avcon received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) approval for the installation of hard points, also known as provisions for external stores on King Air airplanes. The hard points are wing-mounted inboard and outboard. The Avcon wing-mounted Hard Points having a payload capacity of up to 325 pounds underneath each wing for the inboard stores (STC SA04178NY) and 225 pounds (per side) for each store on the outboard pylon (STC SA01965WI).
Marcus Abendroth, Avcon President said, “We are excited to announce the availability of the Avcon hard points for King Air aircraft. The hard points are capable of mounting, among other commercial items, NATO stores. Avcon fabricates and installs all of the parts associated with the provisions for external stores.” For more information, please contact Avcon Sales at (316) 284-2842.